26 Nov 2023

TAMAKKAN – youth Leadership camp 

“TAMAKKAN” is 2-day Youth Leadership Camp targeting students in grades 10, 11, and 12. The camp aims to empower participants in academics, character development, and personal growth. Launched five years ago in Lebanon, TAMAKKAN has attracted approximately 200 students from various reputable schools. This success can be attributed to its clear objectives and vision of supporting teenagers in navigating the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous world they live in, commonly referred to as the “VUCA world” Participants undergo training to apply fundamental leadership concepts and skills through hands-on learning, working both individually and in team-based settings to solve complex problems and riddles. The camp introduces students to key facets of leadership both theoretically and practically, laying the foundations for their preparation as influential leaders capable of effective collaboration in both local and global teams. Moreover, TAMAKKAN incorporates an educational technique within the camp known as “Experiential Learning.” Through this approach, participants can translate the acquired workshop knowledge into practical skills applicable in their near future lives. Each workshop is associated with one or more games to enhance comprehension, providing a holistic learning experience. This method based on Team Building activities enhances the development of essential life skills such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, collaboration, and more.

Teenagers will benefit from this Camp by:
1- Building Confidence and Self-esteem
2- Developing Personal Accountability
3- Improving Public Speaking and Communication Skills
4- Developing a Growth and Positive Mindset
5- Exercising Social and Emotional Intelligence
6- Listen attentively to their Leaders
7- Working as a cohesive unit
8- Working on their 7 C’s: Communication, Collaboration, Commitment, Continuous
Improvement, Creativity, Capability, Capability